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Affording Our Education

Upper school students walking through the Arcade

At Stuart Hall School, we are proud to offer a robust educational experience that goes beyond college prep to prepare students to forge balanced, meaningful lives of contribution. ?As parents who value the unique nature of this experience, your commitment to independent education is a commitment to your child’s current well-being and future success. ?We recognize this commitment requires a major investment. We therefore offer a personalized, indexed approach to tuition setting. Your student’s tuition will be based on your family’s income and expenses and determined through a financial application process administered by FAST.


What is indexed tuition? Indexed tuition is an approach where tuition rates are customized according to each family’s ability to contribute to their educational expenses. Indexing puts?a Stuart Hall education within reach of families from a range of economic circumstances.?

How do I request indexed tuition consideration? Stuart Hall School uses FAST, an Independent School Management tuition service, to evaluate a family’s ability to pay. The confidential financial application includes such factors as family size, number of children in independent schools, and other assets/liabilities that may not be reflected in a household’s income. ?

The FAST Financial Application Process

Families requesting indexed tuition consideration should:

  • Complete a confidential financial application through FAST here.?
  • Provide a copy of their most recent IRS Federal tax return (form 1040 for United States citizens) to FAST for verification.
  • For international families, provide proof of annual income and/or tax records, if available.
  • Notify the enrollment office when your online form is complete to be sure we have received your materials.?

The School will review financial applications and contact families with their updated tuition levels. If you’ve completed the application process prior to February 1, you can expect to hear back from the School by February 15 (current families eligible for re-enrollment) and March 1 (new families). For those completed after February 1, the School will review applications weekly and will update families with their student tuition levels within two weeks.?

For more information or questions about indexed tuition, please contact the Enrollment Office at 540/213-7779.

Tuition and Fees for 2023-24

Day Student Tuition and Fees for the 2023-24 School Year are as follows:

 Grade  Full Tuition  Program Fee  TRP Fee*
 6  $15,875  $400  $301.63
 7  $17,000  $400  $323.00
 8  $18,450  $400  $350.55
 9-12  $19,675  $400  $373.83

*Tuition Refund Plan Insurance is required unless on a one-installment payment plan. The amount due is 1.9% of a family's net tuition. 

Boarding Student Tuition and Fees for the 2023-24 School Year are as follows:

Domestic Students
7-Day Boarding: $56,150 + $800 program fee (includes PSAT/testing, wellness support services, supplies, school field trips, transportation to/from Dulles airport for school breaks if needed, accident insurance) + $1,066.85 TRP

5-Day Boarding: $44,800 + $800 program fee (includes PSAT/testing, wellness support services, supplies, school field trips, accident insurance) + $851.20 TRP

International Students:
$60,475 + $800 program fee for international students (tuition and program fee includes ESL support if needed, wellness support services, testing, supplies, school field trips, transportation to/from airport for school breaks,  activities, I-20 management) + $1,600 U.S. Health Insurance + $1,149.03 TRP

Learning Support Services

Core & Assistance:
No Fee

Enhanced Support:
$6,000 for day students
$8,000 for boarding students (includes evening study hall assistance)

Admission Team

Tanya Farrell
Dean of Enrollment Management

Nick Ellis
Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management

Katherine Meier
Enrollment and Advancement Operations