原文:Thank you for considering Cheshire Academy. Founded in 1794, we are the 10th oldest boarding school in the United States and have been educating students – from the US abroad – successfully for a long time.
At Cheshire Academy, we develop our students to be inquisitive, thoughtful, and confident. Through the IB program, we challenge students with both breadth and depth, and many of our students earn up to a year’s worth of University credit upon graduation.
If you like mathematics, we have a competitive math team that typically finishes in the top 5 of New England private schools. We travel to Harvard and Yale for math tournaments and have a great time. In Science, we compete successfully in the Science Olympiad. If you’re interested in politics, the model UN is a great option. No matter what your interest is, we have an opportunity for challenge and fun both inside and outside the classroom.
Our college counseling office works with every family to place each child into the best fit school for him or her. For some, that is a top 30 University like Cornell. For others, it is a top liberal arts college like Williams. And for those interested in Art, our Art Major program places students into Rhode Island School of Design.
Please let me know if I can put you in touch with a current parent or student. They’d love to tell you how great Cheshire Academy is.