Dana Hall 是一所很好的女校,申請難度高,畢業(yè)生走向好;Linden Hall國際生是真的很多,兩者不能比
Dana Hall 這么好的位置和學(xué)術(shù)也不容易申請上。 我覺得DHS學(xué)校氛圍很好,中國學(xué)生融入都很不錯,絕對不能算中國學(xué)術(shù)多的學(xué)校,大學(xué)走向有Umich, Tufts, UCB 等等。 -
It’s one of the top all-girls schools high schools in Massachusetts. It has high SAT/ACT scores, low student-teacher ratio. Ethnically, 87% are white students. The school receives good reviews from students and parents, and matriculation to many ivy colleges.
Learning a language is up to the student. Some students try really hard to spend more time with non-Chinese students while others do not. Please encourage your child to spend more time with native English speakers. That is the least that he/she can do given that you have given them such a great opportunity and it is such a privilege. Many of the boarding schools have Chinese students so it is up to the child whether they want to get to another level. And this kind of drive is what the colleges want to see in a student when they apply.
還有一所Linden Hall 林頓女子中學(xué)怎麼樣?畢業(yè)生走向如何?看網(wǎng)上說也是中國學(xué)生多,是這樣嗎?謝謝老師們。
It’s a decent school in Pennsylvania, with decent SAT scores. Matriculation to colleges like University of Pennsylvania, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach, and Drexel University.
BUT the FIT is also really important. A student will naturally do better if she likes the school and get a better chance to get into the top colleges. So hard to say which school is better for your child.