
麻省理工大學(xué) 2014年文書范文

男生Kevin文書: 我愛陌生人


We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do for the pleasure of it. (100 words or fewer)


“I forgot my pick-up line; you’re really cute. Hi.” I love meeting random people. I’ve found an unexpected compliment can make someone’s day, and random conversation can be rejuvenating to anyone. If I feel social anxiety, I find overcoming it is exhilarating. Sometimes, I’ll walk around the local Walmart just to say “hi” to everyone. I’ve realized many people are interesting and social, eliminating my prejudices. I now easily approach people to discuss ideas. At robotics competitions, I talk to everyone and learn from them. Through meeting random others, my appreciation of people and their stories has surged.

