Deerfield學院,是全美一所最古老的學校之一,學校的幾年來的排名都在前十。2014年中國學生有275個學生申請這所學校,入取12人,大概是4%的比例。從這個數(shù)字可以看出來入取的難度。申請這所學校TOEFL SSAT標準化成績,口語交流,家庭背景,及學生興趣愛好獎項活動等各個方面都要求的比較高,這要看孩子的綜合能力的體現(xiàn)。信安國外教育特別顧問就是Eric Widmer博士就是Deerfield學院的前校長。Eric Widmer與我們一起能幫助中國孩子邁向成功之路。希望能夠知道孩子的更多信息。
Deerfield is a very good school so the TOEFL, SSAT and school grades should be in the top percentile. Like most well known boarding schools, more and more mainland students are applying each year and while it is difficult to project the number of students they admit each year, they generally only take less than a handful.