很多私立學(xué)校提供解剖學(xué)。 您這個成績, 申請寄宿學(xué)校還是很難, 走讀學(xué)校問題不大,如果對新澤西靠紐約的走讀學(xué)校感興趣, 歡迎詳談。
Sorry, you are already studying in the U.S. as a 10th grader? Where are you studying and where would you like to apply to? Since you are already studying in the U.S. you may not need to worry about your TOEFL score but if your English standard is not good enough, the schools which you plan to apply to will know right away. So I think you will need to work on your English level because 85 on TOEFL is not what U.S. schools will expect from someone who is already attending school there.