最佳回答春哥 學生前兩個重要,第三個亦重要,別選強制宗教課的學校,宗教課一般都是繁雜的閱讀和project,內(nèi)容及概念還特多,沒法復習,其實都是虛無縹緲的雞湯。理解不好,沒復習完整就特別拖累成績(這門課是我唯一的a-,也是我唯一a以下的課程,但是大多數(shù)人比我慘得多)
所以第四不重要,還是要看你在高中體制內(nèi)的理科課程里學到什么程度 -
1. This is important as schools will use that as a standard to compare your child with the other applicants.
2. One of the benefits of boarding schools is that the student is able to spend evenings with their friends, such as birthday parties, events in the dorms, etc. This way they have a venue to practice their English every night so they can improve more quickly.
3. Many religious schools are good schools. Even if there are religious courses, treat it as something extra that your child can learn. Any knowledge is good knowledge.
4. Many schools have STEM programs. We will need more information of the test scores to provide with you the best recommendations of schools.